Auto Post to Facebook

For my clients who are running a blog and a Facebook web page for their business there is a wonderful handy tool to write your blog and have it auto-post to your Facebook account.

The Facebook application is called NetworkedBlogs . It is not new, but works seamlessly. It can be a bit daunting. You “grant permissions”, which always seems vague to me. I didn’t see clearly “what” I was granting other than information on my Facebook page. Since I am a proponent of privacy this was the biggest hurdle for me.

There is one step missing. Once you have listed your blog with NetworkedBlogs while you are in the application screen you need to hit “PublishTest”, then “Click to View” and there it is on your web page wall. That wasn’t spelled out in the directions I was using, but could be because Facebook frequently tweaks and updates. Mission accomplished in about 20 minutes – mostly due to my curiosity in reading everything!

You have to verify your blog. If you aren’t used to web code – I suggest the “Verify through Friends” choice to keep it less frustrating.

GREAT tool to drive your website. To begin search for “NetworkedBlogs” on Facebook.